Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Welcome To Tanglin Clinic Site !

 Kementeria Kesihatan Malaysia 
TANGLIN CLINIC DAYS: Wednesday 2PM - 4PM Friday: 8AM-12NOON / 2.45PM - 4PM. TANGLIN CLINIC DAYS: Wednesday 2PM - 4PM Friday: 8AM-12NOON / 2.45PM - 4PM.

What makes smoking so habit forming ? Even if you only smoke a few cigarettes a day, why do you feel so bad when you try to quit?
Nicotine creates a biochemical reaction in your body that has an immediate effect on your mood, your ability to reason, and your metabolism.
The more that you smoke, the higher level of chemical dependency will be reached. However, light smokers can also become just as dependent on cigarettes because of nicotine's psychological impact. In this way it can affect moods and feelings in certain situations.

Don't you think that it is about time you quit smoking? Or have you already quit several times? The purpose of this website is to assist you in quitting forever, without the urge to start up again. In just one week after starting to quit smoking, you can be free from tobacco forever.