Quit Smoking Tips

Poison by Any Other Name

What image springs to mind when you see the word...
If you smoke, you may have a warm, fuzzy feeling, but for a lot of us, poison comes to mind. Nicotine makes tobacco products addictive, so it cannot be good. See the diagram at right; it's used as an insecticide! It kills bugs! It must be bad! Of course, nicotine is merely a chemical. But chemicals are bad, right? Even a natural one that comes from a plant (like tobacco)? Even one with a short, pronounceable name?

So nicotine is bad...except when it isn't!
You Can Stop Smoking
We already know all we need to about the dangers of smoking. Yet we keep on doing it. Why? Of course, nicotineaddiction. keep reading to learn how to stop smoking by transforming the deep seated reasons for your compulsion to smoke.

The Stop Smoking program summons really works. You will release your self-denying delusions and enjoy a more enlightened perception of yourself along with the opportunity to improve your health. You will find more energy as you feel better about yourself.
You'll be pleasantly surprised as you discover the usual symptoms of withdrawal are not there. You won't have cravings and you will feel calmer and more relaxed. You will also be delighted to forgo the weight gain that is often associated with stopping smoking. You may even find yourself reducing weight while you feel encouraged to make healthy choices in many areas of your life.

If you are on the verge of making a decision to quit smoking please read further, if you already have made the decision then the Stop Smoking program will do more than just help you stop smoking, it is also designed to be a transformative experience on many different levels.
Many clients who finally decide to try this program have tried to quit smoking for years and decades, and by the time they try this program they usually are feeling pretty self defeated. I Am Smoke-Free Now Program is the success that will also build self-esteem as it increases the determination needed to stay smoke-free.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        How to Quit Smoking Naturally
Reading the tips above may engage some hope that quitting smoking is possible. Sure, our rational mature self with the best of intentions tells us we must quit. But that mystified part of us, perceiving life through a smoke screen, is completely freaking out, mistakenly believing that nothing is going to comfort us like smoking. That's why we have featured the following program to help you stop smoking with the support you need for long lasting results.

It’s easy to Stop Smoking….. 

           Wait for 5 minutes, or say “later”.

           Slowly breathe in 3 times. 
           Drink boiled water, avoid caffeinated drinks.

           Engage in activities to distract yourself and forget about the need to smoke.

           From places with smokers.

           Places, environments and occasions with smokers.

           Such as candy or fruits and avoid sweets.



           When feeling sleepy.


           Pray for resolve and willpower.
The Better Way To Stop Smoking Is To Avoid Places Where You Used To Smoke
Try not to hang around people who are smoking or going back to the places where you would normally light up when you are trying to stop smoking. Chances are that you will return to your old habit.

Watching others smoke and breathing in the smoke will not help you to stop smoking. That’s like being on a diet and watching children eat Halloween candy. Why would you want to put yourself through this torture? If it means dropping some friends for a time, then do it. After all, your life is at stake!
How to Quit Smoking
So you think SMOKING is silly and you're ready to quit. The following is a 3 point game plan to help you quit smoking permanently:

Step 1 to Quit Smoking: Have your Reasons

You need to be very clear in your mind why you are quitting smoking. You need to list all the ways that smoking is costing and hurting you. Write down on a piece of paper how smoking is turning your teeth brown, how you might have a hidden cancer because of smoking, how much money you're putting into your ashtray every month, how silly you feel following the smoking crowd, how selfish you are blowing your homicidal smoke into the faces of friends and family etc.

Step 3 to Quit Smoking: Be Committed

You can't be serious about quitting and have a pack stashed away under your mattress "in case of emergency". This is one time you have to burn all your bridges because just one pull on a skinny cigarette can drag you back into smoker slavery. Here's how to prove you mean business:

  • Don't you find wishy-washy people lame? Good, then you need to tell everybody you know that you're quitting smoking by some date. That way you'll have to smoke in your closet if you fail.
  • Throw out every cigarette, every ash tray, every lighter you own and every smokingfriend you have. It's important to keep everything away that reminds you of smoking when you're quitting. That means staying away from places with lots of smoke and friends who smoke around you. Ever wonder why every bartender in the world likes a drink; it's hard not too with it swirling around you all the time. So keep the smoke away while you quit.
  • Set a date to quit smoking. You can plan to quit everyday for the rest of your life but good intentions alone won't work. You need to set aside a date to stop. Vacation is a bad time. It needs to be a time when you are busy - that helps to keep your mind off it.

Step 3 to Quit Smoking: Be Ready for the Fight

Cigarette smoke is addictive but nowhere as strong as other drugs like cocaine. You can beat this thing. Eight out of every ten smokers who quit do it 'cold turkey'. That means no crutches, no fancy support groups, no outside help. Just them, the cigarettes, and the willpower to say NO!. Forewarned is forearmed. These are the obstacles in your path that you'll have to cross over on your way to being free of smoke:

  • The craving - there's no way around it, you're going to feel like something's missing from your life. But it will pass. The longer you don't give in the less its power over you will be. Each time you think of a cigarette it might help to also think of the bitter harmful poisons you'll be sucking into your innocent lungs. Keeping busy also helps. When you get a craving to smoke, doing a hobby or going for a walk should help. If you really can't stand it then you could try Zyban or the nicotine patch.
  • The fidgeting - for some people it's not the smoke but the cigarette itself and the puffing motion they crave because it relaxes them in public. But other people do things like chew gum, crack their knuckles, play with their hair etc. If you find that without a cigarette you feel uncomfortable you can invent a new fidget or choose from one of the above.
  • Weight gain - One of the harmful effects of smoking is that it lowers weight. But off cigarettes you can expect only to gain at most 10 pounds. That's really not much of a visible difference.
  • Antisocial? - One of the comforts of smoking is doing it with friends; it's like sharing a drink. A kind of bonding experience. But think of it this way, are you still close with all of your friends from ten years ago? Do you think then that your cigarette sharing friends now will visit you in hospital when you have lung cancer ten years from now?

Step 4 to Quit Smoking: Work with your Doctor

Let your doctor know you plan to quit smoking. They can help with literature, moral support, and two effective medications which can be used together or separately:

  • Zyban - this pill a day activates your brain pleasure center just like cigarettes reducing your craving for nicotine. It is started while still smoking and a quit date 2 weeks later set. Use is for up to 3 months and helps to prevent relapse.
  • Nicotine Patch - these skin tags deliver a constant deescalating dose of nicotine through your skin making quitting a gradual gentle process over 3 months. You are not to smoke while using the patch.
So good luck and happy breathing!