Why Quit Smoking?
There are many ways that smoking can cause damage to
your physical appearance. Looks is the first thing anyone would judge you
on, and so why do you want to get a lower rating?
It has been over decades that the holy fight to reduce
smoking in countries does not show gigantic progress. Today, an estimated of
one in four men and one in five women still smoke.
To non-smokers, it has always been a mystery why smokers
continue to smoke despite all the health damage discovery of smoking. Smoking
is the number one killer in America for it increases the risk for heart
disease, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke and other health problems,
Most smokers do realise the dangers of smoking but they do
not seem to be wary of these until the problems surface, and sadly, it would be
too late to reverse anything. Smokers (mostly in developed countries) also can feel the stress financially
but they seem to be able to overcome this problem. Some smokers can skip meals
but not smoking.
The fact that the nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive
stops smokers from quitting smoking. In addiction, smoking does provide
psychological comfort to some smoekrs. After all, quitting smoking is too
There are researches done in regarding to quit smoking. The
benefits of quitting become more visible over the years and the drawbacks of
not quitting have been clear.
- Smoking impacts and ruins your looks.
Bags under your eyes
Smokers are four times as likely as non-smokers to suffer
from feeling unrested after
waking up due to nicotine withdrawal that make them
tossing around on bed. Having
poor sleep, you may suffer from bags under your
your skin. The risk for getting psoriasis increases
the longer you smoke. If you smoke
a packet of cigarette a day, psoriasis risk
will increase by 20% of a non-smoker; if
you have been smoking for the past 20
years, your psoriasis risk is 60% higher; and
if you smoker longer than that,
the risk doubles or more. Second-hand smoking for
pregnant ladies and children
is the cause of psoriasis as well.
Icky teeth
Icky teeth
Nicotine stains teeth. Smokers have high risk of getting
yellowish teeth. Teeth
whitening procedure is costly.
Premature aging and wrinkles
Premature aging and wrinkles
Smoking increases the risk of skin wrinkling and smokers age
faster than non-
smokers. Smokers look 1.4 years older than non-smokers, on
average, due to the
smoke hampering the blood supply that keeps skin tissue
looking supple and healthy.
Yellow fingers
Yellow fingers
The nicotine not only stains your teeth but your fingers and
nails too. The person
who does handshake with you may be turned off by your
hands and it creates a very
bad impression.
Hair drop and gray hair
Hair drop and gray hair
The toxic chemicals in smoke damage the DNA in hair follicles
and generate cell-
damaging free radicals. Smokers will suffer from thinner hair
and their hair will turn
gray earlier. With thinner hair, smokers will suffer
from hair drop and thus they have
higher risk of becoming bald.
Nicotine causes vasoconstriction. Smokers' blood vessels are
being narrowed and
oxygen-rich blood may not be able to reach their tiny blood
vessels in their faces or
other parts of the bodies. Therefore, healing process
of wounds would take longer
and thus smokers will have bigger and redder scars
than non-smokers.
Tooth loss
Tooth loss
According to a 2005 U.K. study in the Journal of Clinical
Periodontology, smokers are
up to six times more likely than non-smokers to
develop gum disease, which can lead
to tooth loss.
Natural glow is gone
Natural glow is gone
Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, which displaces the
oxygen in smokers'
skin. With the aid of nicotine, which reduces blood flow,
smokers' skin is dry and
discoloured. Nutrients such as vitamin C are depleted,
reducing their skin's self
repairing and protection ability. A 1985 study came
up with the term Smoker’s Face
to describe certain facial characteristics, such
as wrinkles, gauntness, and a gray
appearance of the skin, caused by smoking.
Smoking is so not cool.
Slower wound healing
Slower wound healing
Smokers do not heal as well after surgeries such as tooth
extractions, periodontal
and face-lifts procedures. Some surgeons will not
perform cosmetic surgery for
smokers until they agree to kick the habit.
Warts can be caused by a large family of viruses known as
human papillomavirus.
Smokers are more susceptible to such infection. Female
smokers are four times as
likely to suffer from gential warts than non-smokers.
Skin cancer
Skin cancer
Smokers are three times as likely to develop squamous cell
carcinoma, the second
most common type of skin cancer, than nonsmokers.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks
Nicotine damages fibers and connective tissue in smoker's
skin to make them lose
elasticity and strength. Cigarette is one of the causes
for stretch marks and red skin
striations other than gaining weight rapidly.
Flabby tummy
Flabby tummy
Smokers have more visceral fat than non-smokers and it pads
internal organs and
can accumulate in midsection, ultimately increasing the
risk of other diseases such
as diabetes.
Cigarette smoking can increase the risk of cataracts by
putting oxidative stress on
the lens of the eye. The amount of cigarettes
smoked was a more important risk
factor than how long someone smoked.
- Smoking harms
you financially.
Money cannot buy
happiness, but without money, you cannot buy many things. Why do you want to
burn your money away? Even if you are rich, why don't you contribute to the
society by donating the money spent on cigarettes to the needy, instead of
causing harms?
Smokers are poorer than how rich they are
supposed to be.
Cigarettes are
expensive. In countries where efficient governments have foreseen the health
hassle caused by smoking, they have resolved to set laws and campaigns to
strongly discourage smokers from smoking. One useful ways to force smokers to
reduce or even quit smoking is to increase the tax of cigarettes, in such a way
that smokers have to pay higher price in order to damage their own health.
Smokers also have to buy refreshers to eliminate their bad breath or perfume to
cover up their body odour. For every stick of cigarette burnt, it is similar to
burning a piece of dollar note.
Smokers, on average, have poorer health
than non-smokers.
And as a result,
smokers have to visit the doctors more often. Since there is a higher chance
for smokers to be contracted with diseases, they may have to pay more to cure
their illness in future.
Smokers have to pay higher price when
they buy insurance.
Life insurance
for certain insurance companies cost more than twice as much for smokers versus
non-smoker. Smokers also have to pay higher amount of money for medical
insurance. Since smokers' houses are more likely to catch fire, home insurance
is more costly as well.
Smoking in car can dramatically drop its
resale value.
The smoke not
only creates awful smell but also stinks on the interior of the car.
- Smoking causes
your health.
You may be one
of the few lucky ones who are not affected in your health, but can you be
assured that you are one of them? Why do you want to risk your own health?
Smokers on average hit the bucket about 10 years quicker.
Due to all the
harmful effects of smoking, most smokers have shorter lifespan than
Smokers on average cannot focus as well
as non-smokers.
They have to
depend on puffing each time to regain their concentration but each cigarette
can only last them for a limit period of time.
Smokers on average have poorer health than
Due to the
effects of smoking, smokers tend to cough (known as smoker cough) more often
and have weaker immune system and thus weaker health. Smokers also have higher
risk of getting cancer, heart attacks, strokes, early death and cataracts.
Smokers' sense of smell and taste may be affected as well.
There are numerous of proven effects
of smoking.
which smokers
are meddling with. Cigarettes are disastrous.
- Smoking
creates social problems for you and others.
No man is an
island, and thus you have to maintain good relationship with others. But
smoking often gives non-smokers bad impression and sometimes it does create
conflicts. Besides, smoking affects yourself in other aspects as well.
Smokers on average are less presentable
than non-smokers.
They may have
dirty teeth and bad breath, or even body odour. This will certainly give bad
impression to some people. To some people, smokers are recognised as hooligans
or at least they give the impression.
Smokers are more hated.
If you open your
eyes wide every day, you can see that there are obviously more non-smokers than
smokers in this world. Some smokers are hated by non-smokers greatly because of
the impacts that the smokers have caused on them, such as second hand smoke.
Basically, smokers have higher chances to be hated by others, especially
regarding the issues of cigarette litter and smoking in public
Smokers waste more time than non-smokers.
Cigarette breaks
take up time. Buying cigarettes can be time consuming. Sometimes, smokers even
have to search for lighter. Imagine the amount of time smokers can save if they
have quitted smoking, more useful stuffs can be done.
Smoking is prohibited in many places.
Smoking is prohibited in many places.
Smokers get
"locked out" of places like shopping centres which do not allow smoking.
During outings with friends, they often have to stay outside in open areas to
finish up their cigarettes before they can go in to join their groups of
friends. At times, they also have to worry if their current locations are
smoking prohibited.
Smokers set bad example for youngsters.
Smokers are
human beings and they are basically kind. Most smokers know the effects of
smoking but they continue to smoke. However, they do not wish their children or
the younger generation to smoke, but they do not realise they are actually
influencing the younger generation to smoke by doing it. This is also known as
parental smoking.
other smoking cessation aids have failed to help you quit, perhaps you should
give addiction counseling a try, because it just might work for you.
Here are some things you can do to help:
Smoking: Why To Quit and How To Get Help
1. What health problems are
caused by smoking?
Smoking harms nearly every organ
of the body and diminishes a person’s overall health. Smoking is a leading
cause of cancer and of death from cancer. It causes cancers of the lung,
esophagus, larynx (voice box), mouth, throat, kidney, bladder, pancreas,
stomach, and cervix, as well as acute myeloid leukemia Smoking also causes
heart disease, stroke, lung disease (chronic bronchitis and emphysema), hip
fractures, and cataracts. Smokers are at higher risk of developing pneumonia
and other airway infections.
A pregnant smoker is at
higher risk of having her baby born too early and with an abnormally low
weight. A woman who smokes during or after pregnancy increases her infant’s
risk of death from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
2. Does
tobacco smoke contain harmful chemicals?
Tobacco smoke contains chemicals that are harmful to both smokers and
nonsmokers. Breathing even a little tobacco smoke can be harmful. Of the 4,000
chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 are known to be harmful. The toxic
chemicals found in smoke include hydrogen cyanide (used in chemical weapons),
carbon monoxide (found in car exhaust), formaldehyde (used as an embalming
fluid), ammonia (used in household cleaners), and toluene (found in paint
thinners). Of the 250 known harmful chemicals in tobacco smoke,
more than 50 have been found to cause cancer. These chemicals include.
- arsenic (a heavy metal toxin)
- benzene (a chemical found in
- beryllium (a toxic metal)
- cadmium (a metal used in
- chromium (a metallic
- ethylene oxide (a chemical
used to sterilize medical devices)
- nickel (a metallic element)
- polonium–210 (a chemical element that gives
off radiation)
- vinyl chloride (a toxic substance used in
plastics manufacture)
3. What are the immediate benefits of
quitting smoking?
The immediate health benefits of quitting smoking
are substantial. Heart rate and blood pressure, which were abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to
normal. Within a few hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood
begins to decline. (Carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas found in
cigarette smoke, reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.) Within a
few weeks, people who quit smoking have improved circulation,
don’t produce as much phlegm, and don’t cough or wheeze as often. Within
several months of quitting, people can expect significant improvements in
lung function.
4. What are the long-term benefits of
quitting smoking?
Quitting smoking reduces the
risk of cancer and other diseases, such as heart disease and lung
disease, caused by smoking. People
who quit smoking, regardless of their age, are less likely than
those who
continue to smoke to die from
smoking-related illness. Studies have shown that
quitting at age 30
reduces the chance of dying from smoking-related
diseases by more than
90%. People who quit at about age 50 reduce their
risk of dying prematurely by 50%
with those who continue to smoke.
5. Does quitting smoking lower the
risk of cancer?
Quitting smoking
substantially reduces the risk of developing and dying from cancer, and this benefit increases the longer a person remains
smoke free. However, even after many years of not smoking, the risk of lung
cancer in former smokers remains
higher than in people who have never smoked. The risk of premature death
and the chance of developing cancer due to cigarettes depend on the number
of years of smoking, the number
of cigarettes smoked per day, the age at which smoking began, and the
presence or absence of illness at the
time of quitting.
6. Should someone already diagnosed
with cancer bother to quit smoking?
Yes. There are
many reasons that people diagnosed with cancer should quit smoking. For those
having surgery or other treatments,
quitting smoking helps improve the body’s ability to heal and
respond to the
cancer treatment, and it lowers the
risk of pneumonia and respiratory failure.
Also, quitting smoking may lower the
risk of the cancer returning or a
second cancer forming .
7. What are some of the challenges
associated with quitting smoking?
Quitting smoking may cause
short-term problems, especially for those who have smoked a large
of cigarettes for a long period
of time:
- Feeling sad or anxious: People who quit smoking are likely to feel
depressed, anxious, irritable, and restless, and may have difficulty
sleeping or concentrating.
- Gaining weight: Increased appetite is a common withdrawal symptom after
quitting smoking, and studies show that people who quit smoking increase
their food intake . Although most smokers gain less than 10 pounds, for
some people the weight gain can be troublesome . Regular physical activity
can help people maintain a healthy weight.
anxiety, restlessness, weight gain, and other problems are symptoms of nicotine
withdrawal . Many people find that nicotine replacement products and other
medicines may relieve these problems. . However, even without medication,
withdrawal symptoms and other problems do subside over time.
Doctors, dentists, and pharmacists can be good sources
of information
about the health risks of smoking and the
benefits of quitting. They can
describe the proper use and potential side
effects of nicotine replacement
therapy and other medicines, and they can help
people find local quit
smoking resources.
9. How can I help someone I know quit smoking?
9. How can I help someone I know quit smoking?
It’s understandable to be concerned about someone you
know who
currently smokes. It’s important to find out if this person
wants to quit
smoking. Most smokers say they want to quit. If they don’t want to quit,
try to find out why.
Here are some things you can do to help:
- Express things in terms of your own concern about the smoker’s health
(“I’m worried about...”).
- Acknowledge
that the smoker may get something out of smoking and may find it difficult
to quit.
- Be
encouraging and express your faith that the smoker can quit for good.
- Suggest a specific action, such as calling a smoking quitline, for help in
quitting smoking.
- Ask the smoker for ways you can provide support.
Here are
two things you should not do:
- Don’t send quit smoking materials to smokers unless they ask for them.
- Don’t criticize, nag, or remind the smoker about past failures.
Some people claim that alternative approaches such as
hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, laser therapy, or
may help reduce the symptoms associated
with nicotine withdrawal. However,
clinical studies have not shown that these alternative approaches help
people quit smoking.
11. What if a person smokes again after
Many smokers find it difficult to quit. People commonly
quit smoking and then find themselves
smoking again, especially in the first few weeks or months after
quitting. People who smoke
after quitting should try again to quit.
Most people find that they need to persist in their
attempts to quit smoking
before they quit for good.
It may take four or more attempts before smokers
are able to quit for good People who stop
smoking for 3 months
or longer have an excellent chance of remaining cigarette free for the rest
of their