
Do Physical Activities

Daily moderate physical activities carried out for 30 minutes cumulatively can benefit health.
  • Walk to the workplace
  • Use the stairs instead of elevators at the workplace
  • Do light stretching exercises at your desk
  • Take a walk inside or outside the office after sitting for a long time( between  1-2 hours)
  • Use a fitball as a chair at the workplace
  • Do Deep Breathing exercises 5-10 times per session within two hours
  • Join physical activities organized by your employer
  • Use physical activities facilities provided by your employer
Health Eating

Practising healthy eating contributes towards optimal health and this influences a worker’s productivity, morale and happiness.
  •  Eat a variety of foods
  • Eat fruits and vegetables  at each meal
  • Eat whole grains, legumes, nuts and cereals as part of your daily meals
  • Choose food and drinks with less sugar
  • Limit and reduce fried and fatty food
  • Food intake and physical activities should be balanced accordingly to achieve your healthy body weight

Are You a smoker?
  • Take the following steps immediately to stop smoking
  • Decide to quite smoking
  • Understand when to quit smoking
  • Set a date to quit smoking
  • Have self-confidence
  • Write a reminder
  • Say ( to yourself) “I am not a smoker”
  • Always think positively
  • Get support
  • Fight the urge to smoke
  • Use Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT)
  • Continue getting treatment from Quit Smoking Clinics
  • Plan a daily routine that excludes smoking
                             If you are not a smoker,
           Ensure that you do not turn into a  passive smoker.

Who are passive smoker?
Non-smokers who are exposed to cigarette smoke for at least 15 minutes within two days for a week (WHO)

Voice out your right to work in a smoke free environment


According to the Centers for Disease Control 

and Prevention, tobacco smoke kills more than

400,000 people annually. Abstaining from 

smoking cigarettes significantly reduces your 

risk of lung cancer and stroke. Consuming a 

healthy, balanced diet also helps combat these

chronic diseases. Incorporating the best foods 

for smokers into your diet promotes overall

health and reduces damage to the lungs.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that becomes depleted in smokers. Antioxidants like vitamin C help fend off free radicals that damage healthy lung cells. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, smokers should consume extra vitamin C. Male smokers should consume 125 mg of vitamin C per day and female smokers should aim for 110 mg of daily vitamin C.They note that vitamin C bolsters the effectiveness of your body's vitamin E. Foods abundant in vitamin C include cantaloupe, orange juice, mangoes, broccoli and kale.

Omega-3 Foods
Lung cancer is a leading cause of death and disability in smokers. Foods containing omega-3 fats may prevent cancerous cell formation in the lungs, a February 2005 research review conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality reports. Omega-3-rich foods include oily fish such as tuna, soybeans, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds.

 Green Tea

Green tea is a healthy beverage rich in a special type of antioxidant known as polyphenols. According to the February 2010 "Internal Medicine Reviews," smokers who don't consume any green tea have more than a tenfold increase in lung cancer when compared to those that drink at least 1 cup of tea per day.


Dark-colored fruits such as blueberries, raspberries and oranges are rich in antioxidants. Consuming antioxidant-rich fruits helps reduce cardiovascular disease risk. According to the May 2005 issue of "Free Radical Research" blueberries combat the activity of an enzyme known as angiotensin-converting enzyme, which causes damage to heart vessels. Additionally, blueberries reduce the amount of oxidative stress in the body of smokers. Oxidative stress promotes cancerous cell formation and heart disease.


Smoking is one of the most harmful activities

you can engage in when it comes to long-term 

health. Among other things, smokers face an

increased likelihood of getting cancer and 

hypertension.. Exercising is a way to promote 

good health, and although eschewing smoking

is the best health decision, you can do certain

exercises that will counterbalance some of 

smoking's harmful effects.


Jogging can expand your lungs and help to fill them with more oxygen. After oxygen goes to your lungs, it is dispersed into your red blood cells. According to the Stop Smoking Steps website, smoking decreases lung capacity and produces phlegm that can clog the lungs. Jogging will improve the flow of oxygen in the lungs and will break up the phlegm that causes coughing and shortness of breath. Jog at any pace you want and go for as long or short as you want. Jog indoors on a treadmill, indoors in place or outdoors on sidewalks or trails.

Free weights

Smokers generally suffer from high blood pressure due to their habit, and exercise that boosts the heart rate even more can cause quick fatigue. You can lift weights slowly, and with a small amount of weight you can get a good workout without pushing your cardiovascular system too hard. Dumbbells and barbells are the best free weights and you can work most any muscle group with them. Do bicep curls to strengthen your arms.. Do the bench press for a stronger chest, or hold a dumbbell in each hand and do squats to tone your legs. Working out slowly will reduce the chance of smoking-based fatigue ending your workout too soon.


Crunches build strong stomach muscles and can make you look healthier by helping to eliminate any excess fat around your stomach. The work is mostly with your muscles so shortness of breath will not be a major concern. To do crunches, lie on your back with your feet flat and toes touching a wall and your knees at a 90-degree angle. Constrict your abdominal muscles and lift your shoulders and head off the ground using those stomach muscles. Slowly release back down to the starting position.

Exercise Bike

The exercise bike allows you to work your legs and cardiovascular system without putting stress on your knees. By sitting and pedaling at a pace comfortable to you, riding an exercise bike gives you the ultimate control in a low-impact way. As a smoker you can benefit from the bike as you can take periodic breaks and the fan attached to the pedals will allow you to coast when you get tired.